Jordyn Valencourt
photo taken by @emmahessphotography
Made with Squarespace
My name is Jordyn and i’m an artist, whose preferred medium is photography and more specifically fashion. I am out of the New England area and am recently a 2020 graduate student from Endicott College.
I consider myself a fashion photographer, therefore my work is very fashion forward. However, in all honesty, my work is all over the place. It all depends on what mood I am in, what inspires me in the moment to start shooting, and what is currently going on in my life. I find myself still trying to pin-point exactly what my niche is, and that can’t happen without trial and error. There are times where I am driven to compose a shot that is dramatic, somber and done in purely black and white, and times where I want to be weird, lively and make it look like a color wheel threw up all over my final prints. All though, there are some underlying themes that transpire throughout all the images I create.
If you have any questions or just want to chat don’t hesitate to contact me through this website or instagram!
Jordyn :)